The Primary Schools Challenge event will again feature as key component of the Orange Youth Arts Festival in 2018. The Primary School Challenge event (known previously as Olympics Day) engages over 300 students from all over Orange in a range of exciting activities whilst making the most of Orange PCYC’s modern sporting facilities.
OYAF’s festival partners: NSW Office of Sports & Recreation, Orange City Council and the Orange PCYC have once again come together to present an exciting program of activities and workshops for young students.
In the weeks leading up to the festival, representatives from the Office of Sport & Recreation will again deliver a series of Traditional Indigenous Games (TIG) mentor/training workshops to a select group of Secondary School Students from various high schools in Orange. The workshops compliment each schools PDHPE’s practical unit of Indigenous sport and help students increase their knowledge and confidence in how to present and deliver Indigenous Games in a variety of settings. The workshops also focus on developing student’s levels of cultural awareness and understanding.
During the Primary School Challenge, the trained student mentors will be responsible for managing over twenty sports and activity stations running on the day. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to put into practice the skills and knowledge learnt as part of their training. The event also features representatives from NRL, Hockey and Football NSW.
All primary school aged children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 are invited to come and enjoy a great day of sports, dance and art as part of Orange's Youth Arts Festival Celebrations. Groups of up to 30 students will rotate
around a series of over 20 dynamic activity stations including football, soccer, netball, hockey, athletics, traditonal Indigenous games, cricket and hip hop.
Each year the Olympics Day event also introduces additonal special activites to its program. Past activities have included:
- Aeronautics Paper Plane Challenge (STEM)
- High Performance Vehicle (HPV) information and demonstrations
- Johny Cake making sessions
- Dancing
All primary school aged children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 are welcomed to come and enjoy a great day of sports, dance and art as part of Orange's Youth Arts Festival Celebrations. Groups of up to 30 students will rotate around a series of over 20 dynamic activity stations including football, soccer, netball, hockey, athletics, traditonal Indigenous games, cricket and hip hop.
Each year the Primary School Challenge event introduces additonal special activites to its program. Past activities have included:
- Aeronautics Paper Plane Challenge (STEM)
- High Performance Vehicle (HPV) information and demonstrations
- Johny Cake making sessions
- Dancing
Jason French Aboriginal Sports
Development Officer Sport and Recreation
Office of Sport | Department of Premier and Cabinet
P: 6362 6623
W: 0417413989
E: jason.french@sport.nsw.gov.au
Katrina Hausia | Youth Development Officer
Orange City Council - HACC Centre
286 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800
T: 6393 8966 I M: 0438 274 909
F: 63698969 I E: khausia@orange.nsw.gov.au
Geoffrey Potts | Manager Orange PCYC
T 02 6360 2249
F 02 6360 2672
M 0437 763 889
2-10 Seymour Street, Orange NSW 2800
Vince Lovecchio | Director Orange Youth Arts Festival
P: +61 2 6362 1677 | F: +61 2 6362 4481
E: vince.lovecchio@det.nsw.edu.au
M: 0407 454 832
W: www.oyaf.org